Advent Beginning
"The season of Advent is now beginning. A season filled with the anticipation of Christmas blessings. The songs of Maria experience new singing, like blankets spread throughout the Lands in treasured bonding." JM
Thanksgiving Essence
"A day of great thanks for long held tradition, No Indian pranks, just harvested submissions, And food from so many, there is plenty of plenty, No lacking in any for so, so, so many, So when there's good chance and in the right stance, One quietly stays and under breath prays, For all being together and staying in tether, For singing glory songs prideful harvested throngs." JM
Thanksgiving Menu
"Laughing Thanksgiving Throngs, Loving Thanksgiving Mirth, Exuberant Thanksgiving Songs, Create a Thanksgiving menu on Earth!" JM
Mountain-Climbing Over Molehills
It has been said that, "mountain-climbing over molehills is the greatest cause of ulcers." Not a bad concept and worth the thought. And, it is not to be forgotten, that, "talking brings people together" and "charm" eases the pain!
People Mirrors
People mirrors are other people who, in interaction with us, act as mirrors to show us something, or somethings, we are doing for or against ourselves.
Inspiration & Renewed Enthusiasm
Surrounding yourself with inspiration and a constant and a renewed enthusiasm is a road to success. Then bond and commit to success and let it take you wherever it takes you!
Awards & Rewards
Awards are offered by the universe and rewards offered by the Divine.
To know change, is to know revelation and progress. If your world is snagged, it may be YOU who is creating the snag. If you value yourself and those surrounding you, challenge yourself to gaze inward, correct yourself, and you offer your world the ingredients for a beautiful change.
Hope is like Dope
“As a Goal for the Soul, To motivate and to conquer, Hope is like Dope, To better see ourselves stronger; It is not that we can’t, Just that we don’t understand That the obstacles help us Stay on track in command; And some lessons are learned, Through the difficult fracas, Most noteworthy are they, That they really do take us To a personal freedom Ourselves to win steely, To achieve our Goals cleanly, Completely and freely." JM
Birthday Wishes
Fill your mind with the seeds of your desires for today and you create the opportunities of your desires fulfilled tomorrow. Your mind is your garden of thoughts and wishes. The seeds of your thoughts and wishes will flower and bare fruit, so every year the opportunity to blow out your birthday candles and make a wish, is an opportunity for your thoughts and wishes to become reality. This is like a magical door for fulfillment, so savor your beautiful thoughts and wishes now, and be creative.
Like Attracts Like
Like attracts like. This seems to be an inevitable universal law. We, therefore, do not escape the results of our actions - good and also less good. What is necessary to realize here, is that reciprocation does not always come from the source from where the good or bad took place.
Progress Withstands Rejection
Progress means also being able to withstand rejection. Many people feel that when something is tried once and rejected, enough time has been invested. This thinking is where many people fall down. The worst that can happen if you fail the first time is picking yourself up again, regrouping, and trying once-or more than once-again. Persistence is the great secret to progress and to success.
Fame vs. Saleability
A singularly accrued success-no matter how large-and the resulting fame from this success, can last indefinitely, but the saleability for this success lasts only two-to-three years, unless a new image is created by newly invented marketing, which adds up to a new success.
Undertanding Essence
The experience of receiving, is understanding that the substance, or main characteristic of a thing, is what is wanted, rather than the form. If you are a mother who wants grandchildren and are caring for your daughter's friend's children, you have received the essence of what you want!
Situation Radar
The more you understand what you are learning from a situation, the more rapidly you can leave it. Things have a way of hanging on and repeating, even if with new players playing old roles, when understanding lacks.
Jane Marsh Interview on YouTube
Documenting my interview with Cable TVs Lina del Tinto is now the presence of a five minute segment, from this hour and a half interview, on the Internet and YouTube. In this segment-interview, I recall my first invitation to sing with the Metropolitan Opera, its having taken me under its wing-so to speak-the thrill of first performing Desdemona in Verdi's Otello, at the Festivale dei due Mondi in Spoleto, Italy, and my view of the importance of languages, among other themes. I repeat my October, 2007 tribute to the late Lina del Tinto below: "Some people enter our lives with the majestic energy to coax our hearts to blossom and tango… They beckon us to open our eyes to accept a more magnificent glory. They remain with us for a while, move us deeply, and then they quietly travel on… We are forever touched by their magical noblesse… And, gratefully…we are never ever to be the same." JM
Acknowledge Who You Are
In order to attract people who will support, appreciate and acknowledge you, you must do that for yourself. So, the degree to which you acknowledge who you are will be the degree to which you receive support for your acknowledgement.
Projecting Size - Theatrics
Physical size "on-stage" is not determined by the reality of actual feet and inches "off-stage," but by projecting the physical body language of an "on-stage" character. One can use an imposing "off-stage" physique to advantage, "on-stage," by incorporating large, emphatic movements, or one can diminish the same individually imposing size, "on-stage," by using small, collected movements. The tempo of movement is governed by the character one is portraying. The size reality, "on-stage," has very little to do with "off-stage" size reality. This is magical theatrics called body language, and incorporated by artists who know how to use the tricks of the trade!
Greatness Ingredient
An ingredient for greatness is often a mastery of more than one thing, often in more than one area. Each "polished diamond" catapults the other into a grander sphere of specialty, upping the mastery standard plateau.
“Autumn is also known as fall, Why, nobody really knows at all, Except Autumn does get colder, And the leaves do get older, And they do fall to the ground, Making room for a Round Of leaves which do please, While they are still on the trees, In such a colored array, Actually seen best by Day With the Sun leaning on them And the Wind waving to them, Before they do fall, When it is fall, Also known to us all, As Autumn." JM
