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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bet on Yourself

I have often thought that, when we have faith and act with our natural human courage and instinct, we are taking a chance on betting on ourselves and our talents. One who frustrates this natural instinct, by refusing to act courageously, and creatively bet on himself, is one who could be a candidate for fulfilling this natural need in other, less desirable ways, like gambling tables... Faith and courage are natural instincts and one feels a need to express them in one way or another. Let's bet on something, so why not ourselves!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Intuition Listening

The best way to open your intuition is to listen to it, and heed the messages! I have paid for years when I did not heed my intuition messages. It is worth the listening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Images & Pictures

The images you hold of the past often put limits on the future you are envisioning for yourself. These past pictures hold you back from manifesting your greater potential. Let go of pictures of your past that do not support the new pictures of success and abundance you are creating.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Majestic Enlightenment

There is little question that the simple personal power in humming clears the palate, as it were, and opens all doors to a personal and positive energy. Listening to voices joined in chorus, whether trained voices or not, has another primal energy force. It joins the community of fellowman in a community of common values and goals. It is not to be underestimated what this does for the individual, as well as all participants, in joining each into one harmonious party. It becomes immediately clear that singing touches the deepest soul of the universe, while it also caresses and embraces its life. This singing when combined with the heavenliness of exceptional vocal beauty can often further radiate a majestic enlightenment.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Advent to Epiphany & More

As we know, the meaning of Advent is 'in preparation' and Epiphany is the day Jesus was 'revealed' and 'manifested' to the Three Wise Men and to the world. I have preoccupied myself with the theme of "Advent to Epiphany" for some time, and, in my adoration of Christmas, I have sought out delicious, often lesser known, song repertoire, which, during my world travels, I have included into some of my themed recitals. I find the international public response, whether in Vienna, Brescia, Nice or Düsseldorf..., to be enthusiastic interest in hearing wonderful works from various composers and poets, often having won fame for other creations of theirs. Some countries of our Western World observe "Advent to Epiphany" on different dates, but the love and spiritual devotion is, none-the-less, similar and a wonderful basis for lifting barriers to universal and communal celebration. I have recently put together a CD recording of the 'grace and poesy' of these various works and more, to be forthcoming soon. I like to think my themed recitals also add to bringing us all universally together.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Practice Without Pressure

The technique of "shadow boxing," or "practice without pressure" is so simple, and the results so striking, that some are inclined to associate it with a sort of magic. Needless-to-say, the performance quality result is worth the relaxed effort.

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